Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Do Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?

Of course, Sister said so.

Actually, Do Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up? is the name of a novel and stage production created by John Powers back in the late '70s and early '80s. It's a nostalgic, fun look at growing up Catholic in the "olden days." Watching a local production several years ago gave me the idea for Don't Chew Jesus!

If you missed the book the first time around, now's your chance to pick it up. Loyola Press has re-issued the book as part of its Loyola Classics series. You can order directly from their website:


Or you can probably order it from Amazon.com or your local bookseller. I'm guessing in certain parts of the country, like Chicago, you'll probably find it at area bookstores.

I believe Loyola plans to also re-issue another of John Powers' books, The Last American Catholic. I read that nearly 20 years ago and thought I was reading about my childhood. I'll blog another post when that one comes out, either later this year or next.


Blogger Maureen said...

boy does that bring back a funny memory. I attended Immaculate Conception school at 151st Street, Bronx, NY
Sister Dolorette always stressed the fact do not let the boys get close to you and when we asked why she said they can see under your skirt because they wear patent leather shoes which are like a reflective mirror

1:26 PM  

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