Book Update
We've collected about 300 anecdotes, ranging from hilarious to poignant. We've worked hard to capture the memories in a respectful, lighthearted manner. However, being the cheeky people that we are, you'll find lots of tongue-in-cheek throughout the pages. Here's the table of contents:
Chapter 1. Oh Sister, Where Art Thou?
Chapter 2. Don’t Chew Jesus!
Chapter 3. Off to School With Publics You’ll Go!
Chapter 4. Private Parts and Impure Thoughts: Avoiding Occasions of Sin
Chapter 5. Shrouds of Mystery
Chapter 7. Eyes in the Back of Their Habits
Chapter 8. A Sister By Any Other Name
Chapter 9. A Legacy: Cheeky Girls and Worthless Boys Grow Up
Chapter 10. Sister, Speak Up!
Sorry for the weird spacing - I'm trying to get the hang of this blogging. Watch for more updates!
Danielle Schaaf
I like your site and can not wait for the book to come out.
Thanks, pretty exciting. It's been a fun project, too.
Hey bestlunchlady (love the name!), email any stories. We're already collecting for book 2.
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